Welcome To
Come Join Us for Worship and Fellowship!
Our blended contemporary-traditional service starts at 10:30 AM. We also have Sunday School at 9:30 AM and Fellowship Hour after the service.
We hold engaging Children’s Church during the 10:30 AM service.
You can watch our services and events online by following the social media links above.
Our church and social hall are available for booking events. Please see our Calendar page for a simple submission form.
Sign Up For Our Weekly Newsletter to Stay Informed

SOUPer Bowl Sunday
9 February
11:30 AM After Worship

Student Sunday
2 March
Our Children Serve
the 10:30 AM Worship

Pancake Supper
4 March
5:00 - 7:00 PM

Ash Wednesday Service
5 March
6:30 PM

Homecoming Sunday
16 March
10:30 AM Worship

Easter Cantata
6 April
Agape Choir Cantata
10:30 AM Worship

Palm Sunday
13 April
Children's Hand Bell Choir
10:30 AM Worship

Easter Services
20 April
6 AM Sunrise at Mayne's Tree Farm
10:30 AM Traditional Worship

Ladies Tea
4 May
9:30 AM

Strawberry Fest
7 June
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Dads, Dudes & Donuts
8 June
9:30 AM