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Empowered for a Meaningful Life – Pentecost Sunday

Acts 2:1-13;  Romans 8:26-27   At least from the perspective of Jesus’s disciples, his decision to step out of his earthly ministry soon after Easter may have been as dramatic as unsettling. He told them it was his Father’s decision....

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God’s Right Hand

Isaiah 66:13;  John 19:26-27;  Proverbs 31:26;  Luke 1:46-49   Someone mentioned a new American version of the Bible that opens like this: “In the beginning, everything was created by Hallmark, and Hallmark saw that everything created was good. . .”...

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Not Until You Bless Me!

Genesis 32:22-31;   John 16:31-33   Today I’d like to talk about Mr. Jacob, one of giants of the Old Testament, someone who, I’m sure, must have inspired Jesus more than once. A true giant, for Jacob never stopped struggling. As...

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The Thomas in Us

Habakkuk 3:17-19;   John 20:19-29 From time to time, we may come across friendly folks who say that they would believe in God if God would only send them a sign –I take them seriously, for there have been times when...

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Guess Who’s Coming to Breakfast?

  Isaiah 6:1-6;   John 21:1-19 Our Gospel reading today narrates one of the most dramatic “incidents” with Jesus’s disciples, right after Easter. Somewhere by the Lake of Galilee, a bunch of weary, dispirited professional fishermen lament an unsuccessful night –...

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Easter Sunday

John 20:1-18 One of the most entertaining and inspiring stories I ever read can be found in the book One Hundred Years of Solitude, by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez. For this book, García Márquez was awarded the 1982...

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Easter Sunrise

Mark 16:1-8   Mark, in his gospel tells us that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome come to the tomb of Jesus covered in black, prepared to see a corpse. Instead, they find the stone rolled back...

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A Palm Sunday Story

The Easter story and the Easter news, if you remember, begin very early one morning when a messenger tells the women by the empty tomb not to cry because Jesus isn’t there — he is already on his way to...

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